
A Brief History of uniteddiversity

Key Points in our history:

  • January 23rd, 2000: Josef registered uniteddiversity.com
  • June 28th, 2000: Josef takes uniteddiversity : Profit and Power to the People and shows it to Danny, Tom, Adit, Anna, AC (friends from LSE)
  • February 8th, 2001: Our first “Sessions of Spontaneity” party was held at Public Life.
    DJ Fiend and Mat EP on the decks, Spectre on the mic.
  • August 14th, 2001: The Unknown, band of the Camden Society for people with learning disabilities, becomes the first live band to play at uniteddiversity’s “Sessions of Spontaneity”
  • September 11th, 2001: No one turns up for uniteddiversity @ Public Life.
  • November 13th 2001: We gave out free copies of DJ Rubbish’s Armageddon Session, over a year before it was officially released, 2 months after 9/11 (Rubbish, aka our resident Mat EP, was there at the time) and a month after the marches against invading Afghanistan. Our Tools for Change CD-Rom included artciles by John Pilger, a full pdf copy of the Koran, and the Oxford University’s Introduction to Islam.
  • January 16th, 2002: After a one-off gig in December, we begin our 3 month residency at the Bug Bar in Brixton. Seb Rochford of Polar Bear is our resident drummer and brings along Z Star who blows our mind and gets everyone dancing their socks off.
  • February 1st, 2002: “Sessions of Spontaneity” 1st Birthday @ Pirate Castle
  • April 2nd, 2002: uniteddiversity @ WKD with Z Star, Sonarfly and residents
  • May 1st, 2002: Sustainable Enterprise Agency proposal (see udSEAdraftv0.2.pdf)
  • June 17th, 2002: Purchased CD production equipment which has since paid for itself and become part of the uniteddiversity commons. We used it to print and burn good-value high-quality demo CDs and CD-Roms for (Un)signed Bands (e.g. Polar Bear, Acoustic Ladyland, Menlo Park, Planetman, Saritah) and NGOs (e.g. new economics foundation). The equipment includes the infamous 7-drive CD burner that lived at LARC for a while, with Indymedia London, London Rising Tide and others, before moving to the rampART creative centre down the road (where it joined a switch/router, laser printer, 4 desktop computers, reams of paper and spindles of CDs also supplied by uniteddiversity to help estabish rampARTs shared office space and hacklab) It is where all the Tools for Change CDs have come from, and was recently used by Peace Not War to burn their London Mix 2006.
  • August 6th, 2002: uniteddivesity @ WKD with Keziah Jones and Z Star.
  • August 7th, 2002: Registered uniteddiversity LLP with Companis House.
  • April 9th, 2003: Pay what you like Peace Party and launch of the Pedipeace concept @ Sahara Nights, with Pillow, Sonarfly and DJ Rubbish.
  • June 5th, 2003: Launch of our book shop during uniteddiversity @ Sahara Nights, featuring Polar Bear and Saritah.
  • Feb 7th, 2004: uniteddiversity’s open space and birthday celebrations at 491Gallery



From udppp.pdfuniteddiversity : Profit and Power to the People.“Our distinctness is as precious as our unity, and our unity as our distinctness.
Without…harmony…how could we hold together? But without our difference, how kindle each other?””…our diversity hurts, it even infuriates; but it does not really matter. Indeed in the end it is an enrichment…a welcome participation of each in the uniqueness of the other”- Olaf Stapledon. Taken from ‘The Core’ 1945.What is uniteddiversity?uniteddiversity is the world’s first business based on the unique E-sEnsE™ business model, the pioneering new force promoting beneficial change in the New E-conomy.E-sEnsE™ business is an expression of a common sense belief in Ethical, Equitable and Efficient values and practices.

Who is uniteddiversity?

uniteddiversity is a collective of symbiotic engineers and cultural communicators. We help bring people together in mutually advantageous relationships. You are already a cultural communicator, and can easily become a symbiotic engineer. The best way is to work with, or help, uniteddiversity. The easiest way to help is to give uniteddiversity your time and/or money – consider it an investment, for you and for the world.

For more information mailto: info@uniteddiversity.com


  • 1. Feb 8th 2001 – First uniteddiversity @ Public Life
  • 2. Feb 22nd – uniteddiversity @ Public Life
  • 3. March 8th – uniteddiversity @ Public Life
  • 4. March 22nd – uniteddiversity @ Public Life
  • 5. April 26th – uniteddiversity @ Public Life
  • 6. May 23rd – uniteddiversity @ Public Life
  • 7. June 28th 2001 – uniteddiversity @ public life (last 2nd and 4th thursday) (see udmail3 dated 27th june)
  • 8. July 24th 2001 – uniteddiversity @ Public Life: JDC, Chunky Hampton, DJ Fiend, Mat EP, Spectre
  • 9. August 14th 2001 – uniteddiversity @ Public Life: The Unknown
  • 10. September 11th 2001 – uniteddiversity @ Public Life: No one
  • 11. October 9th 2001 – unofficial re-birth Public Life: Physical Love
  • October 13th – Anti War Demo: Afghanistan
  • 12. November 13th – Public Life: Polar Bear PLUS DJ Rubbish and War Special CD Rom
  • November 18th – Anti War Demo
  • 13. December 3rd – Bug Bar: Fat Tuesday


  • 14. January 16th – Bug Bar: DJ Fiend, Mat EP, Spectre, Polar Bear plus guest Mr Hectic, Lazarus Black, Ellie and Z Star
  • 15. Feb 1st 2002 – Pirate Castle: Polar Bear, ud’s 1st Birthday
  • 16. February 13th – Bug Bar: Acoustic Ladyland
  • Feb 15th and 22nd: Anti-War Demos
  • Feb 27th 02 – find out no more bug bar after march (see ud010302.htm)
  • 17. March 13th – Bug Bar: Paul and Shingai
  • 18. Tuesday 2nd April 2002 – uniteddiversity @ WKD: Z Star, Sonarfly and residents
  • May 1st Sustainable Enterprise Agency proposal (see udSEAdraftv0.2.pdf)
  • 19. May 7th – wkd: polar bear, luis tuna, lone
  • 20. June 4th – wkd: sonarfly
  • 17th June 2002 – order cd equipment. This equipment has since paid for itself – Josef used it to burn and print good-value high-quality demo CDs and CD-Roms for (Un)signed Bands (e.g. Polar Bear, Acoustic Ladyland, Menlo Park, Planetman, Saritah) and NGOs (e.g. New Economics Foundation). The equipment includes the infamous 7-drive CD burner that lived at LARC for a while, with Indymedia London, Rising Tide and others, before moving to the rampART creative centre down the road (where it joined a switch/router, laser printer, 4 desktop computers, reams of paper and spindles of CDs also supplied by uniteddiversity to help estabish The Hub, rampARTs shared office space).
  • Monday June 24th – anti apathy
  • 21. Tue July 2nd – wkd: Acoutic ladyland and sonarfly, jade and one
  • August 5th – invoice nef for 500 CD Rom to take to Joburg £590
  • 22. August 6th – wkd: Keziah Jones and Z Star
  • 7th August 2002 – Registered uniteddiversity LLP
  • 23. Septemer 3rd – wdk: Mr Ping and Pillow (plus Z exclusive acoustic set at end)
  • 24. October 1st – wkd: Jin Goh Quartet, Pillow, Nicky Marbles, Owen Saunders, Paul
  • October 1st – invoice menlo park for 500 promo mini-cds £675
  • 25. November 5th – wkd: Z Star


  • Feb 2003 – 2nd Birthday
  • 26. April 9th 2003 – Sahara Nights: Pay what you like Peace Party; Pillow Sonarfly DJ Rubbish
  • 27. June 5th 2003 – Sahara Nights: Polar Bear and Saritah plus books
  • Saturday June 15th – Camden Green Fair: Books
  • 28. August 7th – Sahara Nights: Saritah, Planetman and the Internationalz, Chris Bowden