The London Fund

Extract from an e-mail I sent recently…

My current focus is on building the necessary partnerships needed to launch The London Fund: a community finance, fundraising and marketing solution for social enterprises committed to building a sustainable collaborative economy.

Apparently the Mayor’s vision is “for London to become an exemplary sustainable world city”. The London Fund will invest in building and maintaining the shared sustainable infrastructure needed to make this vision a reality.

Four key areas suitable for investment have been identified:

* Eco-development/refurbishment of Land and Property
* Renewable Energy
* Communications Technology
* Eco-Logistics, Distribution and Transportation Network

The Creative Regeneration meeting on Saturday was essentially part of the relationship building and networking process needed to make all this happen.

As could have been predicted, one of the key things to come out of the meeting was the need to map our networks and resources. This will be a common need for all groups.

Thankfully, I’ve done (or identified) most of the necessary research already. If I’m not aware of or directly connected to relevant groups, I nearly always know someone who is, or how to find them.

Also very useful will be the open source tools being developed by Wireless London:

Together these tools will essentially provide a freely avaiable Geographical Infomation System (GIS) with infomation about people, places and things over space and time. A simple cartoon of the software is at:

Anyway, I’m diverging.

Before we get into the more detail about all this it would be great if you could read the following pdfs and pages (as mentioned in my last mail) that outline some of uniteddiversity’s ambitious ideas:

* PDF UmightLikeUD.pdf – one pager from April 2000:

* PDF Draft proposal for Sustainable Enterprise Agency from May 2002:

* PDF Example ud business model/structure diagram from July 2002:

* PDF A similar diagram for The London Open Co-op from January 2005:

* ud wiki page about Quality Quids:

* Page about Open Land Development (OLD) Partnership:

* Page about OLD Share System:

* Page about Community Support Providers (CSP):

* Page about the London Open Co-op/CSP:

I think that’s about it in terms of what we’ve got down on paper.

Happy reading 🙂
