My bookmarks for September 8th

These are my links for September 8th:

  • Hacktivism and the Future of Political Participation – The dissertation looks at the phenomenon of hacktivism: the marriage of political activism and computer hacking. It defines hacktivism as the nonviolent use of illegal or legally ambiguous digital tools in pursuit of political ends. These tools include we
  • WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin « Techie Buzz – This sounds very useful indeed – makes a wordpress upgrade even easier than it is already! 🙂
  • yEd – Java Graph Editor – “yEd is a very powerful graph editor that is written entirely in the Java programming language. It can be used to quickly and effectively generate drawings and to apply automatic layouts to a range of different diagrams and networks.”. Need more stuff lik
  • Links: smallholding – More great links from Low Impact Living Initiative.
  • The Wye Community Land Trust – Sadly their tender for Imperial College land was unsuccessful (Imperial didn’t even look at their plans!). Sigh.
  • nfp 2.0 » Widgets of the world uniteâ�¦ – Using website widgets to build networks and raise cash and stuff.
  • open money – home – “A pilot project for a community currency network. Open money is a platform for creating community currencies. It enables exchange without the use of conventional money, as well as many other functions like reputation currencies, loyalty currencies, time
  • GlowFish – (yet another) “network of people, nonprofits, and foundations, creating change together.”
  • DrupalCon Barcelona 2007 – “The best Drupalcon ever in Barcelona, September 19-22, 2007.”
  • Environmental Building products & services – Parity Projects – “Parity Projects offers the full range of services required to reduce the environmental impact of existing buildings. We assess the function of existing buildings, appraise and design all opportunities for improvement and facilitate or manage the eco-reno
  • J3 Building Futures – “J3«Building Futures is a sustainable development, environmental design, green construction and ecological living consultancy, concerned with developing the built environment in a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable manner.”
  • Deptford.TV – “ is an audio-visual documentation of the regeneration process of the Deptford area in collaboration with media lab,, the, Liquid Culture and Goldsmiths College.”
  • The wiki way | Technology | Guardian Unlimited – “Don Tapscott, the author of an eye-opening new book called Wikinomics, says that we have barely begun to imagine how the internet will change the way we live and work.”
  • Lose the Label | A Student Activist Network – “Lose the Label is a lot of things. It’s a social networking website. It’s a blog. It’s a sounding board for ideas. You can get the news here, or launch a campaign, or find activism tips and advice. It’s a way to keep in touch with other young people who
  • Will change…well, anything? | NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Network – A little over a month ago, social good networking site launched with exposure few startups, much less nonprofits (which is not), could dream of – they got Techcrunched.
  • Big international non-governmental organizations (bingos) are getting bigger but not better. David Ransom argues for a change of direction. | October 2005 | New Internationalist – “Big international non-governmental organizations (bingos) are not just a mouthful â�� theyâ��re a handful, growing into clumsy but powerful giants. David Ransom is not sure theyâ��re a good idea.”
  • nfp 2.0 » Leveraging social networking to influence change – “PR Blogger Stephen Davies thinks weâ��ll start to see a fragmentation of social networks. As people begin to tire with the vast, general nature of MySpace et al, they may migrate to niche social networks that are more relevant to them, their passions and
  • Non-Profit Tech Blog » Another social network for activism on the horizonâ�¦ – “can these new social networks eventually outweigh in importance existing off-line social networks at nonprofits?”
  • Project Agape – We’ve worked in both technology and politics, building successful consumer Internet services and organizing major political campaigns. We’re applying these diverse experiences to deploy a platform for large-scale political and social activism on the Inter
  • A democracy of groups – This article makes two central claims. First, technology will enable more effective forms of collective action. This is particularly so of the emerging tools for “collective visualization” which will profoundly reshape the ability of people to make decisi