Links for April 11th to April 12th

These are my links for April 11th to April 12th:

  • Third World Tech – Use what you have. Make what you need – Here at we are collecting simple solutions to common problems faced by humanitarian aid workers, missionaries and disaster victims. Our links and articles cover many topics; from self sustaining agricultural methods, microenterprises, and many more. Please feel free to suggest an article or link!
  • – is a payment system where you can be your own banker. Connect to your friends, family, and associates and your credit with them becomes a fully-functional currency
  • ePoint Home – The ePoint system is a payment infrastructure for anonymous electronic transactions that is an amendment of the already popular methods used primarily in telephony (pre-paid phone cards), public transit (re-chargeable multiple passes) and various pay-per-view services. ePoints can be transfered just like any other information, in such a way that the recipient can be certain that the sender will not be able to use the same ePoint once more, because of the safety of the underlying protocol. The applications of the ePoint system can be as diverse as tracking assets in on-line games and on-line gift certificates for electronic commerce. So what is this ePoint thing? Our system aims to be a tool for simplifiing digital commerce, establishing a new tradition. ePoints are the units of payment.
  • Scred – Banking 2.0. Scred is a Finnish company building tools and services to help friends, groups and communities manage their money, wherever they are. Pools are for simple tracking and balancing amongst friends, while MiniCorps allow you to track income and expenses, as well as actually sell items and receive money.
  • – Open Source P2P Electronic Cash – Announcing the first release of Bitcoin, a new open source peer-to-peer electronic cash system that's completely decentralized, with no central server or trusted parties. Users hold the crypto keys to their own money and transact directly with each other, with the help of the network to check for double-spending.