RIP Richard Douthwaite

RIP Richard Douthwaite

Saddened to hear the news that Richard Douthwaite just passed away after a period of illness.

Richard was a tremendous pioneer and thought leader who championed economies that functioned in balance with and of the ecology.

Please, if you do nothing else, read at least these two of his books (both utterly important and timely despite being written years ago)

Short Circuit: Strengthening Local Economics for Security in an Unstable World (1996)

The Ecology of Money (1999)

Oh, and for all those stupid politicians, economists and bankers (and everyone else who swallows their nonsense) his classic 1992 book ‘The Growth Illusion: How Economic Growth Has Enriched the Few, Impoverished the Many and Endangered the Planet‘ is also a must read.

Used copies of ’92/ ’95 and ’99 editions fetch quite a few bob on Amazon (although some editions not too pricey and now a kindle too), but it’s seemingly now back in print from the ever wonderful Green Books:

RIP Richard

PS – here is a video I filmed of a talk he gave at The Transition to Low Carbon conference at Winchester University:

Plenty more (better quality) video of him how there too.