How Cooperatives and Community Enterprise Will Get Us Out of this Gigantic Mess

I’ve posted this excellent talk by Janelle Orsi from the brilliant Sustainable Economies Law Center a few times over on our facebook page.
The whole presentation is well worth watching, but I particularly like it when she says:
What is the entity structure that is most going to ensure that our communities are protected? and what is going to most ensure that the wealth in society becomes distributed more equitably? I keep coming back to the answer of: Co-operatives. Co-operatives, Co-operatives, Co-operatives.
and then:
I really think that co-operatives are going to be the most economically, ecologically sustainable solution
We’re all about empowering people and communities to take back control of their lives with co-operatives so I thought it was about time to share it here too. It is rather excellent.
Be sure to also check out Janelle’s excellent books The Sharing Solution and Practicing Law in the Sharing Economy: Helping People Build Cooperatives, Social Enterprise, and Local Sustainable Economies.
Big thanks to Transition US for organising, recording and sharing this webinar.