97% Owned - documentary about money and economics

Back in May 2003 we started a wiki to ‘discuss monetary reform and democracy‘, and I just posted Positive Money’s Banking 101 video course, probably the best introduction to how money and banking actually works.
For a long time Money as Debt was best and only documentary film about these issues. Later, the Zeitgeist films (despite their many failings) thankfully managed to get the word out to many more people.
Most recently we’ve had Money and Life cover this topic, and before that The Money Fix and Inside Job. But for some reason I’ve never gotten around to posting up this other great documentary about money and economics ‘97% Owned’ (despite having contributed to the crowdfunding campaign which produced it’s DVD run).
It is just over 2 hours long, so if you’re the impatient type you many like to watch this hour long version the ‘Positive Money’ cut instead: