All stories Google 10 to the power 100 I just submitted my application to Google’s 10 to the power 100 [] project to identify projects which would impact on the greatest number of people (in the opinion of the web-oriented voters). Your idea’s name (maximum 50 characters): At last, local money support for
All stories Selling Local money Perhaps you have heard of LETS, timebanks, or other community projects in which arbitrary currencies are created? Well, there is now a suite of modules [] to support communities trading in local money?
All stories Drupal for web2.0 / briefing 25th October - workshops 1st and 7th November *Free* briefings and workshops to open source your creative business | /Drupal for web2.0: how to move fast with this new Open Source toolkit/ __REMINDER___________________________________________________________ The ‘Open for Business’ programme continues *this Thursday* 25th October with the Drupal for Web2.0 briefing: come get an overview and jumpstart into using