All stories The Matrix - A Poem by Paradox I know Paradox from the London party scene. He’s a good chap 🙂 Here is a great poem he wrote about money [] and banking []… The Matrix []
All stories Spacegirl's Poetry Salon @ 491 Gallery I forgot to include this excellent event in this weeks guide [] so thought I’d better give you the heads up here:
All stories Slow Dance This poem was sent to me yesterday by someone for whom I care deeply but have been out of touch with for a while. Apparently it was written by a teenager with cancer who would like as many people as possible to read her poem. Please pass it on. SLOW
All stories Belief is circumstantial… A poem by Poet-Treeman [] I heard at Sunday Sounds [] 6 a couple of weeks ago. Made me think of Gloria [] and Dave [] because of her concept of “real love” and his “I
All stories You and I Stevie Wonder is a genius. I’ve been rediscovering some of his classic old tracks… This one is from the album Talking Book from 1972… Here we are on earth together, It’s you and i, God has made us fall in love, it’s true, I’ve really found